Banana & Fudge Muffins recipe

Ingredients (9-12 muffins)

250g self-raising flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

100g soft light brown sugar

50-100g fudge* pieces (less for less sweet)

80g melted butter ( melt in microwave or in a saucepan on the hob)

125ml milk

1 level teaspoon vanilla essence

2 large eggs

2 large bananas preferably ripe

Small amount of runny clear honey for glaze or icing sugar or icing for decoration.


Heat fan oven to 190 degrees. 




2 bowls & a jug or 3 bowls

Saucepan or microwave dish

Forks/whisk/ spoons / spatula

Muffin tray

Paper muffin cases 


Mix together the dry ingredients (sugar, flour & baking powder) but seive the flour and baking powder before adding to the bowl. 

Add the fudge and stir into the dry mixture.

Mix the wet ingredients (melted butter, milk & vanilla essence) in a jug or bowl.

Beat together the eggs in a bowl. 

Mash the bananas in a bowl to which you will add the beaten eggs.

Pour the eggs into the bananas and mix well together.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients mixing them together well and then add in the banana and egg mixture. Once again mix together thoroughly.

Use a spoon or small ladle to divide the mixture between the paper cases. This can be 9-12 depending on the size of your cases and whether you prefer them to be higher or not. 

Bake them for 20 minutes on a middle shelf.

If glazing with honey then allow to cool for a couple of minutes as the heat helps melt the honey. If using other decoration allow the muffins to cool first.

We hope you enjoy making, sharing and eating the muffins😋


*You can replace fudge with toffee pieces or chocolate drops or pieces of nuts.

Baked just out of the oven prior to decorating.

Baked just out of the oven prior to decorating.